Physical Activity Ban in Absurdistan
November 27, 2020
By Dr. Barefoot Sidy Diallo
Criminalization of physical activity and promoting risk factors for chronic diseases make sense in Authoritarian Absurdistan.
Whereas during lockdowns in Authoritarian Absurdistan, there has never been any limit for those who want to purchase and enjoy the risk factors for chronic diseases, i.e. the COVID-19 comorbidities, runners were subject to a time and distance limit. Unless you are a member of the Government--the Home Secretary was seen breaking the rules he is ruthlessly enforcing on runners—if you exceed one limit once, you are fined 135 euros; if you exceed three times in a month, you are fined 3,750 euros (over 4,500 dollars) and sentenced to six months in jail.
What’s more, Absurdistan “experts” have convinced many credulous citizens that runners are dangerous coronavirus superspreaders, which adds fear to those people, when they see a jogger, and sometimes triggers hostile or desperate reactions. They think indeed that runners are the problem, not the comorbidities.
During the hard lockdowns in Authoritarian Absurdistan, retailers who sell toys and runners who venture beyond 1 km from their homes, or who jog over 60 minutes a day, become offenders, whereas there’s no time or distance limit for people who want to purchase alcohol, tobacco, psychotropic drugs, excess of food, etc., hence the aggravation of chronic diseases, i.e. the COVID-19 comorbidities, including overweight, obesity and especially mental illnesses.
Fortunately, as of November 28, retailers may sell toys for the kids, runners may run beyond 1 km from their homes and the time limit triples to 3 hours a day. I therefore launched on the same date The Absurdistan Running Series (ARS) with half marathons.
To leave our homes, we have to fill in, including the place, date and time, and sign this “Exemption Certificate,” which contains nine boxes. Runners must check in the box # 6: “Outdoor activities to practice sport individually or for leisure (collective physical activity and proximity to others are not allowed), with no change in the place of residence, walking out with only the people living in the same household or walking out a pet, within 20 km of one’s place of residence and for three hours per day.” There is no distance or time limit for the other eight boxes.
My book Running Barefoot for Human Survival is available on Amazon in paperback and e-book format (French edition: Courir pieds nus pour sauver les humains).
By Dr. Barefoot Sidy Diallo
Criminalization of physical activity and promoting risk factors for chronic diseases make sense in Authoritarian Absurdistan.
Whereas during lockdowns in Authoritarian Absurdistan, there has never been any limit for those who want to purchase and enjoy the risk factors for chronic diseases, i.e. the COVID-19 comorbidities, runners were subject to a time and distance limit. Unless you are a member of the Government--the Home Secretary was seen breaking the rules he is ruthlessly enforcing on runners—if you exceed one limit once, you are fined 135 euros; if you exceed three times in a month, you are fined 3,750 euros (over 4,500 dollars) and sentenced to six months in jail.
What’s more, Absurdistan “experts” have convinced many credulous citizens that runners are dangerous coronavirus superspreaders, which adds fear to those people, when they see a jogger, and sometimes triggers hostile or desperate reactions. They think indeed that runners are the problem, not the comorbidities.
During the hard lockdowns in Authoritarian Absurdistan, retailers who sell toys and runners who venture beyond 1 km from their homes, or who jog over 60 minutes a day, become offenders, whereas there’s no time or distance limit for people who want to purchase alcohol, tobacco, psychotropic drugs, excess of food, etc., hence the aggravation of chronic diseases, i.e. the COVID-19 comorbidities, including overweight, obesity and especially mental illnesses.
Fortunately, as of November 28, retailers may sell toys for the kids, runners may run beyond 1 km from their homes and the time limit triples to 3 hours a day. I therefore launched on the same date The Absurdistan Running Series (ARS) with half marathons.
To leave our homes, we have to fill in, including the place, date and time, and sign this “Exemption Certificate,” which contains nine boxes. Runners must check in the box # 6: “Outdoor activities to practice sport individually or for leisure (collective physical activity and proximity to others are not allowed), with no change in the place of residence, walking out with only the people living in the same household or walking out a pet, within 20 km of one’s place of residence and for three hours per day.” There is no distance or time limit for the other eight boxes.
My book Running Barefoot for Human Survival is available on Amazon in paperback and e-book format (French edition: Courir pieds nus pour sauver les humains).
Authoritarian Absurdistan: The Minister of Health yelling at MPs of the opposition and requesting them to leave the Parliament, because they dared to question the orders of the executive.
L’Absurdistan autoritaire : le ministre de la Santé criant sur les députés de l’opposition et leur demandant de quitter le Parlement, parce qu’ils ont osé défier les ordres de l’exécutif.