477 Marathons and 20 Ultramarathons on the 7 Continents
As he explains in his book, Dr. Barefoot Sidy Diallo—a medical doctor and retired French diplomat—runs barefoot to contribute by leading by example to the survival of the only endangered animal species that nobody, no country and no organization care about: Homo sapiens.
Dr. Diallo has completed so far 477 marathons and 20 ultramarathons in 105 countries, including at least one marathon and one ultramarathon on each of the Seven Continents. If he can do it, you can do it.
Dr. Barefoot Sidy Diallo’s purpose is to motivate you and help you reap the fitness, health and well-being benefits of running, as doing marathons or even just half marathons—preferably barefoot to prevent injury and pain—is the efficient way to stay fit, healthy and happy, naturally and for free, while enjoying the most rewarding human experience and not having to spend your money on diets, healthcare, unnecessary or harmful consumption, etc. Then you can invest the resulting savings, use them to run marathons around the world or—like Dr. Diallo—do both.
Below is Dr. Barefoot Sidy Diallo’s interactive global marathons map. It features most of the marathons (orange icons) and ultramarathons (blue icons) Dr. Diallo did on the seven continents. Zoom in to discover all the races, as many icons are overlapping.
Dr. Diallo has completed so far 477 marathons and 20 ultramarathons in 105 countries, including at least one marathon and one ultramarathon on each of the Seven Continents. If he can do it, you can do it.
Dr. Barefoot Sidy Diallo’s purpose is to motivate you and help you reap the fitness, health and well-being benefits of running, as doing marathons or even just half marathons—preferably barefoot to prevent injury and pain—is the efficient way to stay fit, healthy and happy, naturally and for free, while enjoying the most rewarding human experience and not having to spend your money on diets, healthcare, unnecessary or harmful consumption, etc. Then you can invest the resulting savings, use them to run marathons around the world or—like Dr. Diallo—do both.
Below is Dr. Barefoot Sidy Diallo’s interactive global marathons map. It features most of the marathons (orange icons) and ultramarathons (blue icons) Dr. Diallo did on the seven continents. Zoom in to discover all the races, as many icons are overlapping.
Featured Race
The 2023 Moorea Marathon
Dr. Sidy Diallo did in Moorea—the sister island of Tahiti in French Polynesia—his 375th marathon.
Below is the list of 103 of the 105 countries where Dr. Sidy Diallo has completed at least one marathon or one ultramarathon. The two other countries are Oman and Ivory Coast.
An Innovative and Rational Approach to Running
Dr. Sidy Diallo’s Book, Running Barefoot for Human Survival, takes an innovative and more rational approach to running to explain why all humans are perfect innate runners and how they can successfully engage in regular—preferably barefoot—running and walking to stay fit, happy and healthy, avoid or stop addictions, enhance their lifespan in good health, enjoy a better quality of life, avoid ending up in nursing homes, and save money on useless or harmful consumption, disappointing weight-loss diets, healthcare, etc., while significantly reducing their carbon footprint and consequently contributing to the survival of all living species—including Homo sapiens. Running Barefoot for Human Survival is available on Amazon in paperback and e-book format.
Une approche innovante et rationnelle de la course à pied
Le livre du Dr Sidy Diallo, Courir pieds nus pour sauver les humains, adopte une approche innovante et plus rationnelle de la course à pied pour expliquer pourquoi tous les humains sont des parfaits coureurs innés et comment ils peuvent réussir à courir et à marcher régulièrement, de préférence pieds nus, pour rester en forme, vivre heureux et en bonne santé, éviter ou arrêter des addictions, améliorer leur durée de vie en bonne santé, jouir d’une meilleure qualité de vie, éviter de se retrouver dans un EHPAD, faire des économies sur les consommations inutiles ou nocives, sur les régimes amaigrissants décevants, sur les soins de santé, etc. ; tout en réduisant significativement leur empreinte carbone, et par conséquent en contribuant à la survie de toutes les espèces vivantes, donc, y compris l’Homo sapiens. Le livre est disponible sur Amazon en format broché et numérique.
Featured Article
The Tragic Fate of Abebe Bikila
Top Articles
- Dr. Sidy Diallo's Retirement Marathon
- The Benefits of Barefoot Running
- The Four Elements of Health and Well-being
- The Perfect Barefoot Running Training Plan
- Achieve Durable Weight Loss
- Running is Our Best Medicine
- 41 Million Yearly Preventable Deaths
- The Day Dr. Diallo Ran Barefoot a Marathon and a Half Marathon in the Caucasus
- The Barefoot Marathon Globetrotter
- The Day Dr. Diallo did an Ultramarathon and a Half Marathon in Antarctica.
- The Barefoot Comrades Marathon (90 km)
- A Marathon in the Australian Outback
- The Barefoot New York Marathon
- The Barefoot Chicago Marathon
- The Barefoot Berlin Marathon
- The Barefoot London Marathon
- The Barefoot Boston Marathon
- The Bermuda Triangle Challenge
- The Marathon in French Polynesia
- The World Best Marathon
- Barefoot on Broken Glass
- The Year Ancestral Cryophobia Came Back
Articles en français
Media Coverage of Dr. Barefoot Sidy Diallo Running Experience
Reportage de la chaîne de télévision France 3 : Sidy Diallo a couru 48 marathons en 2013.
TF1 Le 20h Le Mag - Sidy Diallo, l'homme qui court pieds nus. Cliquez sur la photo ou sur le lien pour accéder à la vidéo sur la page Facebook de la chaîne.
France 24: For Sidy Diallo, the weekend brings another marathon -- run barefoot
Ouest-France : Un marathon par semaine pieds nus, le régime atypique de Sidy Diallo
Infobae: La historia del médico y diplomático francés de 64 años, Sidy Diallo, que corrió la maratón de Buenos Aires descalzo
Bernews: Bermuda Is 100th Country For Barefoot Runner Sidy Diallo
Die Berliner Zeitung: Französischer Diplomat Sidy Diallo läuft den Berlin-Marathon barfuß
PisaToday: Maratona di Pisa: ci sarà anche Sidy Diallo, il corridore scalzo
Nice-Matin: Pour la troisième fois, Sidy Diallo a couru le marathon Nice-Cannes pieds nus
La Dépêche du Midi : Sidy Diallo milite pour un retour aux sources, dans la vie comme dans les marathons.
La médaille du jour de Franceinfo : Sidy Diallo, 60 ans, parcourt le Marathon de Paris jusqu'au bout... pieds nus
Diario Sur: "Correr descalzo es la manera natural de hacer un maratón," Sidy Diallo
Le Républicain Lorrain : Sidy Diallo a bouclé le marathon de Metz en 4h41’13"... pieds nus.
Dr Sidy Diallo répond aux questions de Radio-Canada après avoir couru pieds nus le Marathon de Montréal 2018.
Le Parisien: Un 380e marathon à 68 ans : le départ à la retraite pas comme les autres de Sidy Diallo.
Le Parisien : Sidy Diallo a couru le marathon de Paris pieds nus !
Reportage de France 3 Normandie sur le 26è Marathon du Dr Sidy Diallo en moins de 2 mois
Documentaire de Tprod : Dr Sidy Diallo explique comment vieillir en parfaite santé
Dr Sidy Diallo répond aux questions de Polynésie la 1re avant le départ du marathon de Moorea 2023.
France-Antilles : Le marathonien aux pieds nus, Sidy Diallo, s'élance pour 7 jours de course dans la Caraïbe
Entrevista en enpañol al Dr. Sidy Diallo por BTV tras completar descalzo la Maratón de Barcelona 2022.
Interview of Dr. Sidy Diallo by Seychelles TV after he completed barefoot the 2019 Seychelles Marathon.
Intervention de Sidy Diallo dans l'émission de la chaîne de télévision France 2 : La santé passe-t-elle par les pieds ? — Je t’aime, etc.
Vidéo de l’Agence France Presse (AFP) : Sidy Diallo a couru plus de 200 marathons — dont plus d’un quart complètement pieds nus. Le diplomate français de 64 ans prône les avantages de courir sans chaussures alors qu’il se prépare à rejoindre le marathon de New York...
AFP video: Sidy Diallo has run over 200 marathons—and more than a quarter of them completely barefoot. The 64-year-old French diplomat praises the benefits of running without shoes as he prepares to join the New York City Marathon—a “walk in the park” for him.
AFP video: Sidy Diallo has run over 200 marathons—and more than a quarter of them completely barefoot. The 64-year-old French diplomat praises the benefits of running without shoes as he prepares to join the New York City Marathon—a “walk in the park” for him.
TV78 : VYP. Sidy Diallo, diplomate et marathonien... pieds nus
Croatia Week: 60-Year-Old French Diplomat Sidy Diallo Runs 42km Zagreb Marathon Barefoot
Marathon Bahamas: French Diplomat Sidy Diallo Chooses Bahamas for 100th Marathon
20 Minutes : Sidy Diallo fait le tour du monde en 42 marathons
Croatian Newspaper Jutarnji List: NAJVEĆA ZVIJEZDA ZAGREBAČKE UTRKE Francuski diplomat u Zagrebu po kiši bos otrčao svoj 125. maraton (English: THE BIGGEST STAR OF THE ZAGREB RACE: A French diplomat Sidy Diallo ran in Zagreb his 125th marathon barefoot in the rain)
Deportes Patagonia: Sidy Diallo, el hombre que corrió 48 maratones en un año