The “Authoritarian Absurdistan”
November 24, 2020
By Dr. Barefoot Sidy Diallo
“COVID Rules in France: Authoritarian Absurdistan,” wrote German newspaper Die Zeit.
Criminalization of physical activity and promoting risk factors for chronic diseases make sense in Authoritarian Absurdistan. I updated in 2010 both the French and English editions of the book Running Barefoot for Human Survival with a new introduction and a chapter on the lessons we should learn from the COVID-19 pandemic. The book explains why we should all run barefoot for the survival of our species. For instance, this would have prevented the chronic diseases (obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s disease, etc.) which cause over 41 million deaths a year, and are the comorbidities of COVID-19.
Meanwhile the French Minister of Health recently announced that “the mental health of the French has deteriorated significantly, with a consequent increase in depressive syndromes. Moreover, we’ve noticed a steady and significant increase in anxiety as well as a decrease in the life satisfaction index.”
In other words, the French—who were already the biggest consumers of psychotropic drugs—have become crazier, more depressed, more anxious and more unhappy in a few months. But mentally ill people are unaware of their mental health condition, hence the value of the external insight of a German newspaper which explains that France has become an “authoritarian Absurdistan.”
The Die Zeit article titled “COVID Rules in France: Authoritarian Absurdistan” begins with a summary of the situation. “Certificates to leave one’s home, jog only in front of one’s door, security guards to prevent the purchase of toys: the French lockdown is so repressive that even common sense rules fall into disrepute.” Absurdistan went so far as to deprive the children of toys!
The following screenshots show young obese patients with COVID, including one weighing 150 kg or 330 pounds (which corresponds to a BMI of 51.9 for an individual of 1.70 m) that the government used in Absurdistan to continue to frighten the population; figures on the chronic diseases—including obesity--that kill over 41 million a year without raising any concern; the increase in mental illnesses and the use of alcohol, tobacco and other psychotropic drugs in Absurdistan and around the world, due to restrictions and violations of our freedoms; statements which helped spread the coronavirus around the world and within countries, etc.
Update: July 14, 2021
The Spanish Supreme Court ruled, on July 14, 2021, that the lockdown in Spain is illegal, but the apostles of the health dictatorship still in force, especially in Absurdistan, don’t want you to know that.
Running Barefoot for Human Survival is available on Amazon in paperback and e-book format (French edition: Courir pieds nus pour sauver les humains).
By Dr. Barefoot Sidy Diallo
“COVID Rules in France: Authoritarian Absurdistan,” wrote German newspaper Die Zeit.
Criminalization of physical activity and promoting risk factors for chronic diseases make sense in Authoritarian Absurdistan. I updated in 2010 both the French and English editions of the book Running Barefoot for Human Survival with a new introduction and a chapter on the lessons we should learn from the COVID-19 pandemic. The book explains why we should all run barefoot for the survival of our species. For instance, this would have prevented the chronic diseases (obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, Alzheimer’s disease, etc.) which cause over 41 million deaths a year, and are the comorbidities of COVID-19.
Meanwhile the French Minister of Health recently announced that “the mental health of the French has deteriorated significantly, with a consequent increase in depressive syndromes. Moreover, we’ve noticed a steady and significant increase in anxiety as well as a decrease in the life satisfaction index.”
In other words, the French—who were already the biggest consumers of psychotropic drugs—have become crazier, more depressed, more anxious and more unhappy in a few months. But mentally ill people are unaware of their mental health condition, hence the value of the external insight of a German newspaper which explains that France has become an “authoritarian Absurdistan.”
The Die Zeit article titled “COVID Rules in France: Authoritarian Absurdistan” begins with a summary of the situation. “Certificates to leave one’s home, jog only in front of one’s door, security guards to prevent the purchase of toys: the French lockdown is so repressive that even common sense rules fall into disrepute.” Absurdistan went so far as to deprive the children of toys!
The following screenshots show young obese patients with COVID, including one weighing 150 kg or 330 pounds (which corresponds to a BMI of 51.9 for an individual of 1.70 m) that the government used in Absurdistan to continue to frighten the population; figures on the chronic diseases—including obesity--that kill over 41 million a year without raising any concern; the increase in mental illnesses and the use of alcohol, tobacco and other psychotropic drugs in Absurdistan and around the world, due to restrictions and violations of our freedoms; statements which helped spread the coronavirus around the world and within countries, etc.
Update: July 14, 2021
The Spanish Supreme Court ruled, on July 14, 2021, that the lockdown in Spain is illegal, but the apostles of the health dictatorship still in force, especially in Absurdistan, don’t want you to know that.
Running Barefoot for Human Survival is available on Amazon in paperback and e-book format (French edition: Courir pieds nus pour sauver les humains).