Dr. Sidy Diallo's Liberation Ultramarathon # 1
Ultramarathon # 14
Distance: 60 km (17.8 km + 42.2 km)
Date: May 30, 2020
My Total Time: 7:22:57
By Dr. Barefoot Sidy Diallo
I initially planned to do a marathon from Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (SQY) to Paris, but after running nearly 18 km, for whatever reason my Garmin presented me two options: to save or discard the data of the race. So I saved the data and decided to run a marathon on top of the 18 km to complete a 60 km ultramarathon.
My book Running Barefoot for Human Survival is available on Amazon in paperback and e-book format (French edition: Courir pieds nus pour sauver les humains).
Distance: 60 km (17.8 km + 42.2 km)
Date: May 30, 2020
My Total Time: 7:22:57
By Dr. Barefoot Sidy Diallo
I initially planned to do a marathon from Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines (SQY) to Paris, but after running nearly 18 km, for whatever reason my Garmin presented me two options: to save or discard the data of the race. So I saved the data and decided to run a marathon on top of the 18 km to complete a 60 km ultramarathon.
My book Running Barefoot for Human Survival is available on Amazon in paperback and e-book format (French edition: Courir pieds nus pour sauver les humains).