The 2019 Marathon de la liberté
The 2019 Freedom Marathon
Marathon # 197
Barefoot Marathon # 55
Date: June 16, 2019
My Time: 4:49:27
By Dr. Barefoot Sidy Diallo
I completed in Normandy, France, my 55th barefoot marathon and 197th marathon.
I ran barefoot and finished the race without any pain or injury, like Abebe Bikila in 1960 in Rome. While walking back to my accommodation in Caen, I saw the broom wagon following the last—injured and limping—runner, like a scavenger watching over a dying animal. Many shod runners didn’t even make it so far.
As I explain in my book Running Barefoot for Human Survival, doing a marathon in our artificial environment can and should be a very pleasant and painless experience: the shoes are the problem. Few years after switching to running with sneakers, Abebe Bikila learned the hard way that not a single animal species--not even Homo sapiens—is designed for running with shoes, or did he? Too many runners keep nonetheless thinking otherwise. Unfortunately, some of them end up suffering the fate of Abebe Bikila...
My book Running Barefoot for Human Survival is available on Amazon in paperback and e-book format (French edition: Courir pieds nus pour sauver les humains).
Ouest-France Newspaper: Sidy Diallo a couru son 197e marathon pieds nus !
Barefoot Marathon # 55
Date: June 16, 2019
My Time: 4:49:27
By Dr. Barefoot Sidy Diallo
I completed in Normandy, France, my 55th barefoot marathon and 197th marathon.
I ran barefoot and finished the race without any pain or injury, like Abebe Bikila in 1960 in Rome. While walking back to my accommodation in Caen, I saw the broom wagon following the last—injured and limping—runner, like a scavenger watching over a dying animal. Many shod runners didn’t even make it so far.
As I explain in my book Running Barefoot for Human Survival, doing a marathon in our artificial environment can and should be a very pleasant and painless experience: the shoes are the problem. Few years after switching to running with sneakers, Abebe Bikila learned the hard way that not a single animal species--not even Homo sapiens—is designed for running with shoes, or did he? Too many runners keep nonetheless thinking otherwise. Unfortunately, some of them end up suffering the fate of Abebe Bikila...
My book Running Barefoot for Human Survival is available on Amazon in paperback and e-book format (French edition: Courir pieds nus pour sauver les humains).
Ouest-France Newspaper: Sidy Diallo a couru son 197e marathon pieds nus !