Durable Weight Loss
June 13, 2022
By Dr. Barefoot Sidy Diallo
“Gluttony is perhaps the most dangerous vice that is destroying the planet,” — Pope Francis.
As I explain in my book Running Barefoot for Human Survival, we can very quickly, by rational decisions, eradicate overweight and obesity on the planet, but those who benefit from the plight of overweight or obese people don’t want you to know this. Their tactics abuse our gullibility to maintain and aggravate the chronic diseases by convincing us that we are in no way responsible for our health problems—when we can easily avoid these diseases. So we keep paying for their remedies that hardly work, or only in the short term.
Their tactics abuse our gullibility to maintain and aggravate the chronic diseases by convincing us that we are in no way responsible for our health problems—when we can easily avoid these diseases. So we keep paying for their expensive remedies that hardly ever work, or only in the short term.
Moreover, by imposing fear and draconian lockdowns, they have managed to aggravate obesity, mental illness and other comorbidities of the COVID-19 pandemic significantly, because these pathologies are very profitable for them, and conversely, costly and damaging for us, financially, physically and mentally. But no one should blame them, because politicians, other economic sectors and many individuals abuse our gullibility just as much. Humans are sadly both preys and predators at the expense of their health, happiness, and the survival of Homo sapiens who is becoming “Homo covidensis”.
Homo homini lupus est.
This Latin proverb rightly points out that “Man is wolf to man.” In other words, human beings are the worst enemy of themselves and their own species, which is even more true since the advent of Covidism.
The World Health Organization (WHO) highlights the easy-to-understand evidence that overweight and obesity are “major risk factors” for other chronic diseases “such as cardiovascular diseases (mainly heart disease and stroke), which were the leading cause of death in 2012, diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders (especially osteoarthritis—a highly disabling degenerative disease of the joints), some cancers (including endometrial, breast, ovarian, prostate, liver, gallbladder, kidney, and colon cancers),” etc.
Moreover, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed in their March 12, 2021, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report that “obesity is a recognized risk factor for severe COVID-19, possibly related to chronic inflammation that disrupts immune and thrombogenic responses to pathogens as well as to impaired lung function from excess weight. Obesity is a common metabolic disease, affecting 42.4% of U.S. adults. Among 148,494 adults who received a COVID-19 diagnosis during an emergency department or inpatient visit at 238 U.S. hospitals during March—December 2020, 28.3% had overweight and 50.8% had obesity. Overweight and obesity were risk factors for invasive mechanical ventilation, and obesity was a risk factor for hospitalization and death, particularly among adults aged <65 years.”
In other words, over 79% of COVID-19 patients are either overweight or obese. So, why don’t we just eradicate overweight and obesity—by the way for free—to get rid of the chronic diseases and COVID-19, return to normal life, and enjoy a better quality of life and an increased life expectancy in good health?
Understanding makes it possible to act, and rational actions prevent or irreversibly eradicate overweight and obesity. Conversely, blind obedience to those who benefit financially and politically from these COVID-19 comorbidities inevitably fuels their permanent aggravation.
Gluttony + laziness = morbid obesity
Indeed, the combination of excessive food energy intake and a lack of physical activity is the cause of obesity—body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg/m2 or more—and morbid obesity (BMI of 40 kg/m2 or more).
Any human can expectedly understand that obesity is the result of excessive calorie intake—in the form of food or alcohol—compared to calorie expenditure. In other words, obesity is always the consequence of personal choice, since we still have the freedom to choose what we eat, and to refuse to consume harmful products like alcohol or tobacco, although we are obviously under very strong pressure from economic, political and other interests.
Moreover, we can also still practice physical activity even during the harshest and most absurd lockdowns. To lead by example, I ran a marathon inside my home on April 20, 2020.
The human body is not designed for our lazy lifestyle, but for that of our physically very active hunter-gatherer ancestors, whose possible occasional overweight was a guarantee of survival during famines. The body fat was therefore their food reserve, since, like other animals, they did not have the means to keep food outside their bodies for long.
In other words, the effective solution to lose weight is simply to revert to the natural mechanism of weight regulation, either passively, i.e. by reducing or suspending the calorie intake until the achievement of the expected weight loss, then adapting the calorie intake to the daily needs, or actively, by adding the ancestral physical activity—walking, as a preferred means of locomotion, and running--which will not only make it possible to lose weight faster and easier, but also strengthen both the fitness and the immune system, on which the effectiveness of any vaccine depends.
In short, humans can regain their ideal weight irreversibly and at no cost, while saving a lot of money, because the level of the body mass index (BMI) is directly proportional, on the one hand, to the amount of money spent to constitute and maintain overweight and obesity, and on the other hand, to its impact on global warming. You will find in-depth explanations in my book, Running Barefoot for Human Survival. The book is available on Amazon in paperback and e-book format (French edition: Courir pieds nus pour sauver les humains).
By Dr. Barefoot Sidy Diallo
“Gluttony is perhaps the most dangerous vice that is destroying the planet,” — Pope Francis.
As I explain in my book Running Barefoot for Human Survival, we can very quickly, by rational decisions, eradicate overweight and obesity on the planet, but those who benefit from the plight of overweight or obese people don’t want you to know this. Their tactics abuse our gullibility to maintain and aggravate the chronic diseases by convincing us that we are in no way responsible for our health problems—when we can easily avoid these diseases. So we keep paying for their remedies that hardly work, or only in the short term.
Their tactics abuse our gullibility to maintain and aggravate the chronic diseases by convincing us that we are in no way responsible for our health problems—when we can easily avoid these diseases. So we keep paying for their expensive remedies that hardly ever work, or only in the short term.
Moreover, by imposing fear and draconian lockdowns, they have managed to aggravate obesity, mental illness and other comorbidities of the COVID-19 pandemic significantly, because these pathologies are very profitable for them, and conversely, costly and damaging for us, financially, physically and mentally. But no one should blame them, because politicians, other economic sectors and many individuals abuse our gullibility just as much. Humans are sadly both preys and predators at the expense of their health, happiness, and the survival of Homo sapiens who is becoming “Homo covidensis”.
Homo homini lupus est.
This Latin proverb rightly points out that “Man is wolf to man.” In other words, human beings are the worst enemy of themselves and their own species, which is even more true since the advent of Covidism.
The World Health Organization (WHO) highlights the easy-to-understand evidence that overweight and obesity are “major risk factors” for other chronic diseases “such as cardiovascular diseases (mainly heart disease and stroke), which were the leading cause of death in 2012, diabetes, musculoskeletal disorders (especially osteoarthritis—a highly disabling degenerative disease of the joints), some cancers (including endometrial, breast, ovarian, prostate, liver, gallbladder, kidney, and colon cancers),” etc.
Moreover, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) confirmed in their March 12, 2021, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report that “obesity is a recognized risk factor for severe COVID-19, possibly related to chronic inflammation that disrupts immune and thrombogenic responses to pathogens as well as to impaired lung function from excess weight. Obesity is a common metabolic disease, affecting 42.4% of U.S. adults. Among 148,494 adults who received a COVID-19 diagnosis during an emergency department or inpatient visit at 238 U.S. hospitals during March—December 2020, 28.3% had overweight and 50.8% had obesity. Overweight and obesity were risk factors for invasive mechanical ventilation, and obesity was a risk factor for hospitalization and death, particularly among adults aged <65 years.”
In other words, over 79% of COVID-19 patients are either overweight or obese. So, why don’t we just eradicate overweight and obesity—by the way for free—to get rid of the chronic diseases and COVID-19, return to normal life, and enjoy a better quality of life and an increased life expectancy in good health?
Understanding makes it possible to act, and rational actions prevent or irreversibly eradicate overweight and obesity. Conversely, blind obedience to those who benefit financially and politically from these COVID-19 comorbidities inevitably fuels their permanent aggravation.
Gluttony + laziness = morbid obesity
Indeed, the combination of excessive food energy intake and a lack of physical activity is the cause of obesity—body mass index (BMI) of 30 kg/m2 or more—and morbid obesity (BMI of 40 kg/m2 or more).
Any human can expectedly understand that obesity is the result of excessive calorie intake—in the form of food or alcohol—compared to calorie expenditure. In other words, obesity is always the consequence of personal choice, since we still have the freedom to choose what we eat, and to refuse to consume harmful products like alcohol or tobacco, although we are obviously under very strong pressure from economic, political and other interests.
Moreover, we can also still practice physical activity even during the harshest and most absurd lockdowns. To lead by example, I ran a marathon inside my home on April 20, 2020.
The human body is not designed for our lazy lifestyle, but for that of our physically very active hunter-gatherer ancestors, whose possible occasional overweight was a guarantee of survival during famines. The body fat was therefore their food reserve, since, like other animals, they did not have the means to keep food outside their bodies for long.
In other words, the effective solution to lose weight is simply to revert to the natural mechanism of weight regulation, either passively, i.e. by reducing or suspending the calorie intake until the achievement of the expected weight loss, then adapting the calorie intake to the daily needs, or actively, by adding the ancestral physical activity—walking, as a preferred means of locomotion, and running--which will not only make it possible to lose weight faster and easier, but also strengthen both the fitness and the immune system, on which the effectiveness of any vaccine depends.
In short, humans can regain their ideal weight irreversibly and at no cost, while saving a lot of money, because the level of the body mass index (BMI) is directly proportional, on the one hand, to the amount of money spent to constitute and maintain overweight and obesity, and on the other hand, to its impact on global warming. You will find in-depth explanations in my book, Running Barefoot for Human Survival. The book is available on Amazon in paperback and e-book format (French edition: Courir pieds nus pour sauver les humains).